APTN Special 90 minute Election Debate 2006- Aboriginal Issues

Press Release - 1/11/2006

APTN Special 90 MINUTE ELECTION Edition DEBATE 2006 -Friday January 13 @ 7 pm eastern, 4 pm pacific - Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

Join host Madeleine Allakariallak and special guest journalist David Wiwchar from Ha-Shilth-Sa newspaper in Port Alberni as we bring you DEBATE 2006.

Aboriginal affairs critics from the major parties state what they would do for aboriginal people if they made the next government.

Participants include:

  • Green Party – Ian Hopfe
  • Liberal Party – Ethel Blondin-Andrew (for Minister Andy Scott)
  • NDP Party – Pat Martin
  • Conservative Party – Jim Prentice

Also join professor Leah Gazan from Red River Community College and journalist David Wiwchar for a half hour analysis after the debate.

That's this Friday at an earlier time -- 7 pm eastern, 4 pm pacific (APTN National News Primetime is pre-empted this day only)