Deer Lake SMART Planning Workshop - Day 3

Education and training was the topic for the day, with local and out-of town Kuh-ke-nah staff on hand to help with the workshop. The entire school staff attended the SMART Project Planning Workshop (made possible due to rumours of a hydro power outage). Teachers, Teacher Aides, Tutor Escorts and many others were all able to add their ideas and concepts for what SMART could do for their communities. Following the format of the previous day, everyone offered their input and information was collected for a spray diagram displaying everyone's suggestions. This information was then used to organize and group common themes together. The staff of the David Meekis Memorial School has had broadband access for awhile, and so has already learned some of the ways that technology can benefit them. New ideas for traditional cultural programming through the Internet and Video Conferencing came up as one of the priorities. The K-Net Internet High School is also one area that the school and community see as an area of opportunity. The community of Deer Lake is progressive and understands how SMART can benefit them, but the vision has grown and broadened after yesterday’s workshop. The Community Feast, hosted by the Deer Lake Smart Project staff and all their helpers, was a great way to finish off a very business day.