Aboriginal Human Resource Development Council of Canada projects & publications

The Aboriginal Human Resource Development Council of Canada (AHRDCC) was established in 1998 as a public-private partnership with the mission to increase Aboriginal peoples’ participation in the Canadian labour market. The Council is in the start-up stage of a new three-year national project designed to increase Aboriginal participation in trades and apprenticeship. The $2.6 million funding for this New Trades and Apprenticeship Project is from Human Resource Partnerships Sector Council Program at Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC).

The three year project aims to increase partnerships with AHRDA holders (such as the Sioux Lookout Aboriginal Area Management Board - SLAAMB - http://slaamb.on.ca), colleges, unions and other organizations focusing on Aboriginal employment and, in turn, better respond to industry's demand for a skilled workforce.

As part of the networking activities, the Council will hold six College Forums, an Eastern Aboriginal Trades Symposium and a National Aboriginal Trades Symposium, and develop an Aboriginal Engagement, Facilitation and Partnership Building workshop to be held in five cities.

From The National Report on Aboriginal Inclusion (Issue #8) at  http://ahrdcc.com/en_pdf/newsletterissue8.pdf

The Council is currently recruiting for two positions as Trades Liaison Manager. These positions will work closely with the Council’s partners on the successful completion of the project. As team members for a national organization the Managers will have an opportunity to work with a broad cross-section of interests and priorities that cut across provincial jurisdictions. Trade Liaison Managers will focus on the regional picture as a seamless component to the national scope of the project.

For more information about AHRDCC, its newsletters, services and other resources, visit http://ahrdcc.com