Deer Lake SMART Planning Workshop - Day 2

Deer Lake's "Focus On Health Day" began in the David Meekis Memorial School's Computer Lab. The Kuh-ke-nah Smart Program staff started off the workshop with opening remarks from Les Meekis. Ricardo made a presentation to the Deer Lake health team and interested community members about what the new technology can do to help implement the goals and expectations for local health services in Deer Lake. Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff were on hand to both provide assistance and gather community input. A spray diagram created on a flip chart paper detailed what community members felt was good health with ideas on how to get there (programs). Health staff in Deer Lake had a lot of ideas for programs and services they felt were necessary for community members. At four in the afternoon, we went online for a video conference with the KO First Nation Health Director and the Telehealth Program staff. Everyone was able to see how these new communication technologies will be able to affect their lives. Next week, be sure that you check out the Deer Lake SMART Planning Workshop Website. There you'll be able to find a detailed account of all our activities. For today, check out the pictures.