Heritage Canada hosts "Racism. Stop It! National Video Competition" for youth

From the Heritage Canada web site at

Entry Deadline - January 16, 2006

2006 marks the 10th anniversary of the Racism. Stop It! National Video Competition. The Competition involves thousands of young Canadians in every province and territory. It requires little or no acting experience but requires one to have fun. It also allows individuals to move beyond the recognition of the problem and take action to Stop It!

All members who enter the Racism. Stop It! National Video Competition receive participation certificates. The 10 winning videos are selected by a tiered process in which entries are judged for originality, audio/visual quality and, most important, the effectiveness of the Racism. Stop It! message. The winners are invited to an award ceremony to commemorate March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

In 1966, the United Nations declared March 21 the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and, in 1989, Canada began the March 21 Campaign to promote racial harmony. The Racism. Stop It! National Video Competition is part of our country’s Campaign against racial discrimination and every year we encourage youth to participate.

How To Enter

If you are between 12 and 18 years of age inclusive (must be under 19 as of March 21), you are eligible to enter the Racism. Stop It! National Video Competition. Produce a 60 to 90 second video that represents your team's thoughts on eliminating racial discrimination. Use your personal filmmaking style: experimental, narrative, animated, high-tech, or documentary. Whatever helps get your message across. You can feature as many people as you like in your video - include your whole school or members of your community if they have something to say about eliminating racial discrimination. However, your production team can consist of only five people! You and your team can get help, but it must be your own creative efforts.

You can enter the Racism. Stop It! National Video Competition by filling out the Entry form and sending it to the Racism. Stop It! National Video Competition Co-ordinator, c/o The Students Commission, 23 Isabella St., Toronto, ON M4Y 1M7, as indicated on the entry form.


The entry deadline for the Racism. Stop It! National Video Competition is January 16, 2006. Videos must be postmarked by that date. For further information please call 1-888-77MULTI/1-888-776-8584.