Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. proposes to change electricity rate in Far North

Everyone has until December 25 (Christmas Day) to submit letters to the Ontario Energy Board and Hydro One Remote Communities to have either "observer" or "intervenor" status in the proceedings to change electricity rates in remote communities served by Hydro One. The Notice of Application was published in the Dec 15 issue of Wawatay and states that "Your request must made by letter received no later than 10 days from the publication date of this notice." Click here for a PDF copy of the Notice as it appears in Wawatay.

The notice also states "Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. is seeking approval of $35.552 million as the revenue it requires." It then goes on to say that some customers who are able to conserve electricity and maintain lower kilowatt per month usage will have their cost decease. But what is not stated is the penalties that will be charged to those users who might need more electricity to heat their poorly insultated homes or operate their businesses and organizations in these communities. There are many unanswered questions in this Notice of Application, so hopefully different organizations and communities will establish intervention status with these proceedings to protect the interest of the people who live and work in the far north.

Further information on how to participate in these proceedings can be found at http://www.oeb.gov.on.ca or by calling the Consumer Relations Centre at 1-877-632-2727