If you are interested in becoming a K to 6 qualified teacher, why not consider the Sioux Lookout District Native Teacher Education Program? Successful completion of this two-year on-the-job program will guarantee you a good job, acceptance into the Ontario College of Teachers, and a chance to become an important role model for the children in your community.

Admission requirements

  • Grade 12 OR
  • Academic preparation equivalent to Grade 12 For example, completion of a post-secondary program such as the Native Classroom Assistant Program, Native Language Instructor's Program, Tutor Escort Program, or the Social Counsellor Program Applicants who achieve scores of 12.9 or higher in Math and Language on the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT) are also encouraged to apply.
  • Experience working with children in your community (full-time or volunteer)
  • Native language skills (Oji-Cree, Ojibway, or Cree)

For anyone interested in the NTEP who does not have the above qualifications, you have time to upgrade your skills before the next admission of new students. You can get ready now by completing high school, taking Wahsa courses in Math and English to prepare for the CAAT, or by completing a post-secondary program.

Don't delay! A teaching career waits for you in your community.

Do you have questions about the Native Teacher Education Program? Call Brian (NTEP Coordinator) toll free at 1-877-636-0667, extension 25 or call the Wahsa Distance Education Centre toll free at 1-800-667-3703.