Kasabonika Lake First Nation signs Memorandum of Cooperation with MNDM

An agreement of cooperation and communication was signed between Chief Gordon Anderson and Minister Rick Bartolucci.

Since 2001, Kasabonika has been engaged in mineral development issues in and around its' community landbase.  Ongoing discussions with government and the private sector have culminated in a watershed agreement between Kasabonika and MNDM that formalizes their relationship.  In addition, the development vision crafted by community members and their leadership is being realized at a pace, and on terms, that the community determines.  As an example, the infrastructural base, which includes the hotel, will be modernized in order to support the community's mineral exploration efforts, tourism development, and the service sector.  For further information, please contact Deputy Chief Eno H. Anderson at (807) 535-2547, ext. 240.