Two Keewaytinook Okimakanak presenters at FNESC education conference in BC

KORI’s Coordinator, Brian Walmark, and the Grade 8 Supplementary Program Coordinator, Fernando Oliveira, lead workshops at the 11th Annual Conference of the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) in Vancouver, BC on Tuesday, December 13.  Fernando’s workshop focussed on FNMoodle and the adaptions to this open source educational platform to meet the needs of KiHS and other applications such as First Nations Schoolnet’s Grade 8 supplementary program in literacy, mathematics and science. Brian’s workshop focussed on how community members have shaped ICTs to address needs at the community level.

Visit for more information about this conference. The actual workshop description from the pamphlet follows ...

Measuring the Impacts of Broadband Services on Academic Achievement

Brian Walmark, Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute presented ... Over the past decade, millions of dollars have been spent on improving access to modern broadband technologies to Aboriginal communities in the northern, rural and remote areas of Canada. However, the impact of such broadband implementation has not yet been established. This workshop discussed the findings from a study that investigated the impact of broadband services on the academic achievement of First Nations Elementary School students in Northern Ontario. In addition, the impact of broadband services on community based agency employees in Northern Ontario will also be discussed.

MoodleFN: A Free e-Learning Platform Created for First Nations Schools 

Fernando Oliveira, G8 Program Coordinator, Keewaytinook Okimakanak presented ... This workshop focused on two new eLearning programs that are currently offered in Ontario under the First Nations SchoolNet - umbrella. The workshop will consist of the following:

  • A virtual tour of the G8 Program
  • A demonstration of the MoodleFN platform and how it is used for the Keewaytinook Internet High School,
  • A presentation outlining how participants can use ModdleFN to create their own eLearning programs without cost.
  • A discussion period