First Nation schools share their ICT success stories online

Keewaytinook Okimakanak as the Ontario Regional Management Organization (RMO) is compiling a series of good news ICT stories from First Nation schools across the province.  These stories will be published online and will take a similar format as the presentation from the publication produced by the Quebec RMO (see below).

Everyone is invited to use the form located at the SUCCESS STORIES link on the left hand side bar to e-mail us stories about how your school is utilizing the communication tools in your school as well as any other story you would like to share with other readers. We will be posting all these stories online at the web site.

The Regional Management Organization in Quebec (the First Nations Education Council) recently posted the second publication of "Technology in First Nation Communities - SchoolNet Success Stories". Click here to learn how other First Nation schools are effectively integrating communication technologies in their classrooms and communities.

From the publication ...

The FNEC is pleased to present our second publication in a series titled “SchoolNet Success Stories”. The purpose of this publication is to provide a summary from the educational perspective of what First Nations communities are doing with ICTs and the support they receive from the First Nations SchoolNet program. We hope readers enjoy learning about the levels of ICT innovation and integration that are occurring in band-managed schools not only in the Quebec region, but across Canada as well.

Click here for the first publication with 6 schools profiled.