K-Net staff present at NAN Education (Thunder Bay) and Quebec Health (Montreal) gatherings

Dan Pellerin, K-Net's Network Manager, is travelling to Montreal to attend a gathering of First Nation health leaders and present information about the Kuhkenah Network and the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth initiative. First Nations across Quebec are now getting connected through their First Nations Education Council's video conferencing network (visit http://cepn-fnec.com/videoconference/eng/index.html for more information). As the local capacity increases in each community, new applications for these communication tools are identified and developed by the communities. Telehealth is quickly becoming a key application that supports the ongoing operation of the community networks.

Brian Beaton, K-Net Coordinator, is in Thunder Bay for the Nishnawbe Aski Nation Education Conference. He is presenting information about the First Nations SchoolNet program and the various e-learning opportunities that are available for First Nation schools. As new needs and opportunities are identified and developed to use Information and Communication Technologies in First Nation classrooms, the First Nations SchoolNet program is another resource to support this work. Visit http://firstnationschools.ca for more information about some of these opportunities. Click here to see the powerpoint presentation.