Two AKRC member First Nations to be connected to broadband infrastructure

From FedNor Press Releases

FedNor Invests in First Nations Technology Initiative

KENORA, Ontario, November 8, 2005 — Roger Valley, Member of Parliament for Kenora, today announced a FedNor contribution of $310,000 to the Lake of the Woods Business Investment Corp. (LOWBIC), the Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC) for implementation of broadband Internet services at two area First Nations.

This initiative will enable quality videoconferencing and other advanced information and communications technology (ICT) applications to be introduced and supported for at least five years at Windigo Island First Nation and Angle Inlet First Nation. These Aboriginal communities are accessible only by water. FedNor funding will trigger a Bell Canada investment in the fibre optic cable and telecommunications equipment needed to establish broadband points of presence.

“This project contributes to the Government of Canada’s plan to employ electronic connectivity to enhance social and economic development throughout all regions,” said Mr. Valley. “We are committed to investing in projects such as this that take advantage of the benefits of technology to improve residents’ ability to access health care, interact, transact, learn and improve their social position and prosperity.”

The project will improve the efficiency of services of the First Nations and other agencies who can connect to the wide area networks of their central offices for file sharing, videoconferencing and other ICT applications. They will also be able to access online services and readily interchange data with government and residents.

LOWBIC is the CFDC servicing Kenora and an area around Lake of the Woods, including Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls and Minaki as well as nine First Nations communities. It provides loans, business counselling and advisory services to small and medium-sized enterprises within its catchment area, in addition to community planning and economic development services.

“This project will enable these remote communities to utilize technology to overcome challenges created by distance and geography,” said Judy Bechard, Chair of LOWBIC. “As the regional CFDC, we’re pleased to assist area First Nations to participate more fully in the knowledge-based economy.”

By supporting the LOWBIC through its programs and services, FedNor is opening doors and building futures for a prosperous Northern Ontario.

Funding for this initiative was provided for in the February 2005 federal budget and is therefore built into the existing fiscal framework.

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Office of the Honourable Andy Mitchell
Minister of State (FedNor)
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