Anishinabek Nation hosting Communications conference at LU in Thunder Bay


Brought to you by the Union of Ontario Indians.
Funded in part by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

This is a Niijii (“friends”) Circle event.

GOAL:  To demonstrate the importance of building communications capacity in Aboriginal organizations and communities

AGENDA . . . associated with Anishinabe teachings

Monday November 21, 2005
Faculty Lounge, Lakehead University
Thunder Bay, Ontario

6:00 – 9:00 pm Networking Social
   Welcoming reception and drumming

Tuesday November 22, 2005
Bora Laskin Theatre, Lakehead University
Thunder Bay, Ontario

9:00 am Welcoming/Opening Remarks

  • Elder
  • Maurice Switzer, Director of Communications – Union of Ontario Indians
  • Chief Pete Collins, Fort William First Nation
  • Fred Gilbert, President, Lakehead University

9:15 am Overview – Conference moderator

9:30 – 10:30 am RESPECT: Panel “misconceptions and stereotypes” - This panel will discuss misconceptions and stereotypes perpetuated by mass media coverage of Aboriginal peoples and issues.  SUGGESTIONS: Good News and Bad News – Fort William FN sawmill project and Pikangikum suicides.

  • Chief Pete Collins, Fort William First Nation

10:30 am  Break

10:45 am – 12:00 HONESTY:  Plenary “best practices”
This session will consist of sharing of best practices in public education about Aboriginal issues; SUGGESTIONS: Niijii Circle Pages in North Bay Nugget

Workshop A: Challenges in covering Aboriginal issues: discussion involving journalists, First Nations leaders

  • John Size, The North Bay Nugget, North Bay, ON
  • Joyce Hunter, Wawatay News, Sioux Lookout, ON

12:00 – 1:30  LUNCH – Faculty Lounge, Lakehead University
Guest Keynote speaker Grand Council Chief John Beaucage, Anishinabek Nation will …

1:30 – 2:45 pm SHARING:  Plenary session panel: In this session there will be sharing of experiences by Aboriginal communications professionals.

  • Ron Desmoulins, CBC Radio, Thunder Bay

1:30 – 2:45 pm  Media Relations Session
Workshop B: Media Relations 101: hands-on session involving First Nations leaders, staff working for Aboriginal organizations.

  • M. Switzer, director of communications, Union of Ontario Indians

3:00 – 4:15 pm STRENGTH:  Plenary session panel: Building communications capacity - As party of the self-government process this session will consist of brief presentations on building aboriginal capacities.

  • Marlene Brant-Castellano, RCAP research co-chair
  • Lakehead/Confederation faculty
  • John Beaucage, Grand Council Chief, Anishinabek Nation

Fourth annual presentation of Turtle Island’s only awards recognizing excellence in Aboriginal-issues journalism

4:30 pm Closing by Elder