Kashechewan Evacuees eat pizza with Governor General in Ottawa.

Governor General Michaëlle Jean dined with Kashechewan members at Odawa Native Friendship Centre in Ottawa this Wednesday night.


Pizza, salad, and fruit were dished out to many in attendance at the Odawa Native Friendship Centre in Ottawa last night - all donated to support the Kashechewan people evacuated to Ottawa and now in their second week here.

Governor General Michaëlle Jean graced us with her presence as she dined, chatted, and discussed the situation surrounding the evacuees.  She held a newborn baby in her arms while chatting to the young mother and was advised that the birth occurred here in Ottawa.

Extending offers of further discussions on First Nation and Aboriginal community issues, she suggested that she may visit Kashechewan personally in the future.  Until then, an invitation to visit Rideau Hall may be extended by her.

The Odawa Native Friendship Centre has undertaken to provide suppers to Kashechewan residents during the weekdays as a means to offer them a break from their hotels and by offering homecooked meals.  Donations of clothing, food, and meat are still pouring in from surrounding communities, including deer and moose from the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan (Golden Lake).  Local Ottawa-based organizations and individual residents drop off their donations on a daily basis as well.

Many volunteers show up daily to help cook, serve, clean, and look after the young children.  The Odawa Native Friendship Centre is pleased to be able to help out our Northern brothers, sisters, and elders.