KO Youth ICT training workshop held in Thunder Bay

Keewaytinook Okimakanak is once again sponsoring a First Nations Youth employment project as one component of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program. A training workshop is being held in Thunder Bay this week at the Fort William First Nation Learning Centre (site of the Fort William KiHS classroom).

Twenty-eight youth from different First Nations across Ontario are hired to work with their local school and community supporting and developing ICT applications and new opportunities.

The YICT workshop in Thunder Bay is happening this week. Due to weather and other circumstances, several members of this project had to remain in their home communities. They are still able to participate in the workshop because all the training is being conducted online. It is also being archived and video taped to be put together into a series that will be used in future training initiatives.

Angie Fiddler and Tabatha Jourdain are coordinating this workshop. Jesse Fiddler, Cal Kenny and Aaron Hardy are working together to support the youth workers and deliver the training. Angus Miles, the lead instructor in the Cisco Academy ITE 1 course that everyone is taking, was unavailable to attend the session as planned but the rest of the team has been able to complete the planned agenda and successful deliver the workshop objectives.

Day One, Tuesday November 8, of the Youth IT training moved to the KO Research Institute for due to circumstances beyond anyone's control. KORI's offices are located at 135 Syndicate north, Suite 405. The last two days of the workshop  continued, as scheduled, on Wednesday and Thursday, at Fort William First Nation.

Click here to see pictures from Day 1 of the workshop.

Click here to see pictures from Day 2 of the workshop.

Other pictures of Day 1 can be seen by clicking here.