KO Telehealth documentation initiative with CHI being posted on-line

KO Telehealth (KOTH) received funding from Canada Health Infoway (CHI) to document its operations and management structure as a model for other First Nations telehealth projects in the country. 

The documents and reference material will be archived by CHI on their database that everyone is invited to use when they sign on as a member. There is already a large collection of valuable resource material on their searchable database. Click here to complete the registration to access the e-Health KnowledgeWay Portal. 

An animated presentation showing how the various communication tools used in the delivery of telehealth share information is available online. Everyone is invited to guide the patient throughout an ideal telehealth office where they can see all the different telemedicine tools being used by the Community Telehealth Coordinators, the doctors and the nurses to share and access patient information. By clicking on each of these different devices, the viewer will then see how the information is transmitted within a secure and safe network. Jesse Fiddler, in Sandy Lake First Nation, was contracted to produce this Flash presentation.

The animation requires the latest version of Macromedia Flash to display properly on your computer. Click here to check out the Flash presentation providing you with a digital tour of a community telehealth station.

The critical role that the Community Telehealth Coordinators (CTCs) perform in the development and delivery of community-based telehealth is captured in a 17 minute DVD video. This production, lead by Cal Kenny - K-Net's Multi-media Producer, is broken up into smaller chapters that are available on-line. Click here for the KOTH web page with links to these videos.

The project management for the production of this telehealth documentation initiative was lead by the folks at the KO Research Institute.