PARO Women Leaders Webstream Nov 8

Awards Gala, Tradeshow & AGM 2011

Sweet & Satisfying Motivation!

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011
Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay

A day full of energizing workshops, one-of-a-kind tradeshow, engaging networking opportunities, awards gala, and inspiring speakers.

PARO is proud to announce our Luncheon Key-Note Speaker, Heather White from the hit W Network television show the Cupcake Girls. Nominated 3 times for a Gemini Award, and watched in over 90 countries worldwide, the show is now going into season 3.

For more information on Heather White, please visit the Cupcake Girls webpage on the W Network website: wnetwork 

Webstream Live Today 11:30AM - 3PM CST Workshops

5-7pm CST Awards and AGM

For More info: