Team Ontario soccer tryouts in Thunder Bay

This is an open invitation to Aboriginal soccer players interested in playing for Team Ontario.  Team Ontario will be sending two teams to Denver, Colarado for the upcoming North American Indigenous Games. 

The age categories for the different teams include:

  • Bantham 13-14 years
  • Midget   15-16 years
  • Juvenile  17-18 years
  • Junior  19-21 years
  • Senior  22 and older

The tryouts for the Team Ontario will be held in Thunder Bay at the soccer sportsplex on Saturday, November 26, 2005.  Preference will be given to Bantham and Midget girls but the divisions with the most interest, other than the two divsions mentioned could also be selected.

All those interested are welcome to attend the tryouts. For further information you can contact Michael Bottle at (807)928-2490 or 928-2299.