Education Day at the Canadian Aborginal Festival in Toronto

Education Day will be Friday, November 25th, 2005 during the Canadian Aboriginal Festival at the SkyDome in Toronto. Click here for more information about this event.

Canada is a richly diverse country. Embracing our diversity and learning about the cultures that make up our great country helps us to appreciate and understand others.

Education Day is designed to give students a positive Aboriginal Experience and to instill in them a desire to learn more about Canada's first peoples.

Many Teachers have returned year after year as they value how important this experience is for their students. The Ontario Teachers' Federation recognizes the educational value that this outing holds for students.

"Understanding different cultures and their values are an important part of antiracist education. The Education Day offers an invaluable experience for students as they learn in an informal and interactive environment."

The Ontario Teachers' Federation, the Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario, Indian and Northern Affairs, the Historica Foundation and the Bank of Montreal all support and sponsor Education Day as they see the project as an instrumental and invaluable experience for students.

Education day is dedicated to teaching students about Canada's Aboriginal peoples. Students will learn about many aspects of First Nations, the Inuit and Metis in an intimate hands-on experience. Students will visit at least six teaching stations on a rotating basis around the SkyDome. A total of 40 stations will be mounted to accommodate all students.

Numbers will be restricted in 2005 and will be based on a first come, first serve basis. All fees must be paid to ensure your class is registered for this important educational experience.

Click here to download the 2005 Education Day registration form

For more information please contact Catherine Cornelius at: (519) 751-0040