AFN presents Draft First Nations contribution to Blueprint on Aboriginal Health

AFN is seeking input from community members on their draft First Nations Blueprint for Health.

"Input and feedback from all First Nations is welcome and will be considered up until one month prior to the First Ministers Meeting on Aboriginal Issues (expected in late November 2005). It at this time that the AFN is anticipating hosting a Policy Summit to review all material to be presented at the 2005 FMM.

Please provide your comments and feedback to Bryan Hendry, AFN Health and Social Communications Officer, at 1-866-869-6789 ext. 229; cell 613-293-6106;"

From Assembly of First Nations web site at

  • First Nations Health News Alert
    For Your Review: Draft National First Nations Contribution to the Blueprint on Aboriginal Health, First Ministers Meeting of 2005
  • Assembly of First Nations
    In collaboration with all First Nations Regions and Treaty Organizations - Agenda for Restoring & Improving First Nations Health
  • Letter to the Honourable Ujjal Dosanjh
    Minister of Health - Health Canada