De-ba-jeh-mu-jig - Professional Aboriginal Arts Animator Program

Please contact De-ba-jeh-mu-jig for more details at

Professional Aboriginal Arts Animator Program

De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group is conducting a National Search for the 2006  Intake to the Professional Aboriginal Arts Animator Program. They are  seeking storytellers, actors, writers, singers, multi-media artists, arts  administrators, directors, designers, technicians and visual artists.

First Year

  • 50 week residency on Manitoulin Island, Lake Huron, Ontario - learning skills.

Second Year

  • 50 week residency with regional, national and international opportunities - sharing the skills.

Third Year

  • Professional Arts Animator Internship by invitation - Individual Dream Pursuit - making your skills your own (Financial Assistance Available)

For more information, send a letter of interest and how you can be contacted to:

De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Theatre Group
Attn: PAAAP Search
8 Debajehmugig Lane
Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve
Manitoulin Island, Ontario
P0P 2J0

Acknowledgements: Canadian Heritage, Canada Council for the Arts, FedNor, and the Ontario Arts Council.