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The Canadian Cultural Observatory is a national information service that supports cultural development in Canada by: informing the cultural policy and research community; encouraging evidence-based policy and planning; and stimulating community debate and improved knowledge exchange.

Please accept this message as an invitation to subscribe to the Observatory's bimonthly newsletter in order to remain up to date on cultural policy research and developments.

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Culture and Tourism In Focus
SOURCE: Canadian Tourism Commission - Louise Leblanc

Culture and Tourism In Focus

Tourism has been one of the most remarkable economic phenomena of the last few decades. Is culture an important element of tourism? Are culture and tourism compatible? Is it worthwhile to develop strategies focused on building a productive alliance between these sectors? Finally, how is it possible to create links between culture, tourism and sustainability? Read on, as the Canadian Cultural Observatory brings answers to these questions In Focus.
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Cities Update
In Collaboration with

Live With Culture
The Live With Culture initiative is part of the City of Toronto's Culture Plan, which aims to position the city as a global cultural capital.
SOURCE: City of Toronto

Montréal Adopts its First Cultural Development Policy
At its last city council meeting, the City of Montréal has adopted its first cultural development policy: Politique de développement culturel. (Publication available in French only.)
SOURCE: Ville de Montréal

Events Events List - Click here for our complete list.

Warsaw, Poland - Metropolis of Europe - Urban Cultural Life and Inter-city Cultural Interactions for 'Cultural Diversity' in Europe Roundtable, September 23-24, 2005
SOURCE: The Warsaw Research Institute of the Pro Cultura Foundation

Montréal - Franco-Québec Meeting on the Democracy of Culture, October 3-5, 2005 (Publication available in French only.)
SOURCE: Culture et communications Québec

London, England - The 36th International Institute of Communications Annual Conference, October 10-11, 2005
SOURCE: International Institute of Communications

Trois-Rivières - Creative City Network Conference 2005 - Planning and Sustaining Creative Communities, October 12-15, 2005
SOURCE: Creative City Network

Montréal - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) International Conference - Sustainable Cities: Linking Competitiveness with Social Cohesion, October 13-14, 2005
SOURCE: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

Toronto - 10th International Metropolis Conference - Our Diverse Cities: Migration, Diversity and Change, October 17-21 2005
SOURCE: Metropolis

Regina - International Colloquium 2005 - Resistance and Convergence: Francophone and Métis Strategies of Identity in Western Canada, October 20-23, 2005
SOURCE: Institut français, University of Regina

Belfast, Northern Ireland - Creative Clusters 2005 - 3rd International Conference on Creative Industries Development, October 24-26, 2005
SOURCE: Creative Clusters Ltd.

Halifax - A National Conference - Multiple Lenses: Voices from the Diaspora Located in Canada, October 26-28, 2005
SOURCE: Dalhousie University

Wales, UK - 4th Mercator International Symposium on European Minority Languages, October 26-28, 2005
SOURCE: Mercator Media

Edmonton - Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies - A Century of Canada 1905-2005, October 28-29, 2005
SOURCE: Association for Canadian Studies

St. Catharines - Two Days of Canada Conferences: Race and the Canadian Identity, November 2-3, 2005
SOURCE: Brock University, Canadian Studies

Winnipeg - 79th Annual Convention of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters - The Future Summit, November 6-8, 2005
SOURCE: Canadian Association of Broadcasters

News & Updates

Proposal Accepted: 10th International Metropolis Conference - Toronto, Ontario October 17-21, 2005
The Canadian Cultural Observatory is pleased to co-host with Canadian Heritage partners, Cities and Shared Citizenship: Developing Indicators of Cultural Diversity, a workshop at the 10th International Metropolis Conference in Toronto, October 17-21, 2005.
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Connectivity and ICT Integration in First Nations Schools
The Information and Communications Technologies in Schools Survey (ICTSS) was designed to build a comprehensive database on the state of ICT infrastructure and access in elementary and secondary schools across Canada, including First Nations schools.
SOURCE: Statistics Canada
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The Government of Canada Upholds CRTC Decisions
The Government of Canada is upholding the CRTC decisions that permit Canadian Satellite Radio and SIRIUS Canada to operate satellite radio subscription services, and CHUM-Astral to operate a terrestrial subscription radio service.
SOURCE: Canadian Heritage
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Preparing Alberta Students for the Next Century - New Social Studies Curriculum Focuses on Citizenship and Identity
Alberta's new Social Studies curriculum focuses on citizenship and identity by including different perspectives, such as Francophone and Aboriginal culture and history, while Canadian and world history, local government, economics, agriculture and global issues continue to be important.
SOURCE: Government of Alberta
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Canada-New Brunswick Agreement to Support French Language Services
The multi-year agreement on the Provision of French-Language Services seeks to support the development and delivery of services offered in French, and to enhance the vitality of New Brunswick's Acadian and francophone community.
SOURCE: Government of New Brunswick
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New Board Selected for the Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain Takes Office
Culture, Heritage and Tourism Minister Eric Robinson welcomed new members and congratulated returning members to the board of the Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain. The Centre serves as the hub for the artistic and cultural life of Manitoba's francophones.
SOURCE: Government of Manitoba
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Filmmakers Funding Awarded to Five Yukon Projects
The Film & Sound Commission has awarded a total of $15,000 to five Yukon productions, including three film scripts, through the Yukon Filmmakers Fund. Projects funded this term include Kiss That Alaska Highway Before I Die, Borderlands, Winter Stories, The Colourful 2% and Frolf.
SOURCE: Yukon Government
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RAND Study Finds Visual Arts Picture Isn't As Rosy As It First Appears
A RAND Corporation report issued recently suggests that the visual arts picture isn't as rosy as it first appears, despite record museum attendance, booming commercial popularity, soaring prices for artists' work and well-publicized museum expansions.
SOURCE: Center for Arts and Culture
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Culturescope Groups - Member Profile
Monica Gattinger
Monica Gattinger, University of Ottawa

As a member of the Initiative to Study the Social Effects of Culture (ISSEC) Culturescope Group, Monica posts papers and comments on others to advance this research project.
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Culturescope Groups - Projects & Initiatives

The 411 Initiative For Change
The 411 Initiative For Change works on development projects aiming for long-term social impacts through bridging the arts, culture and heritage to social development.
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Important Notices

The Canadian Cultural Observatory is funded in part by the Canadian Culture Online Strategy. The Observatory is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Canadian Heritage whose programs and policies aim at Creating Canada Together.
Department of Canadian HeritageCopyright © 2005