Northern Ontario School of Medicine treats their charter class to tour

PRESS RELEASE - Tuesday,  September 6, 2005

Northern Ontario Gives Huge Welcome to School of Medicine's Charter Class

Hundreds of people came out to greet the Charter Class of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) as the students made their way across Northern Ontario last week. 

All 56 Charter Class students arrived in Thunder Bay on Sunday, August 28, to visit the School's West Campus at Lakehead University and to start their Orientation Week of activities, workshops and lectures to help students make the transition to medical school.

In addition to the Orientation Week sessions, the School hosted a Community Welcome barbecue on Monday where well-wishers from the City of Thunder Bay, Lakehead University and the School were introduced to the students.

From there, the students traveled by bus to the School's East Campus at Laurentian University.  En route, they stopped in Marathon to meet and spend time with rural physicians at Penn Lake Park, stayed overnight in Wawa where they enjoyed hiking and kayaking, stopped to meet NOSM clinical faculty in Sault Ste. Marie, and landed in Sudbury on Thursday, September 1 for a Community Welcome barbecue at Laurentian University.

Dr. Jill Konkin, NOSM's Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs noted that it was important for the students to enjoy Northern Ontario right from the start.  "This past week was about experiencing the warmth of the people and communities of Northern Ontario, providing an opportunity for the students to get to know each other, giving students a chance to see first-hand just how excited everyone across the North is that they are finally with us, and providing them with the information they need to start their academic studies."

Founding Dean Dr. Roger Strasser noted that the students were heading back to their respective campuses this past weekend - 32 students will study out of the East Campus at Laurentian University and 24 out of the West Campus at Lakehead University.  "Their work will start today, as they begin their four-year long journey of learning from a state-of-the art curriculum.  They will study in small groups, learn in a variety of health care settings and make use of technology to its fullest as they pursue their dream of becoming a physician."  

The official Grand Opening of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine will be held on Tuesday, September, 13th with a full day of celebrations.  Many dignitaries from across the country will be participating in the day which will showcase the School's technology and pan-Northern mandate by holding the event simultaneously between two campuses and having communities from across the North participate in the declaration of the School's opening.  More details will follow.

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is a pioneering faculty of medicine.  The School is a joint initiative of Lakehead and Laurentian Universities with main campuses in Thunder Bay and Sudbury, and multiple teaching and research sites across Northern Ontario.  By educating skilled physicians and undertaking health research suited to community needs, the School will become a cornerstone of community health care in Northern Ontario.


For further information please contact:

Yonaniko (Iyo) Grenon
Communications Officer - East Campus
(705) 662-7243
Communications Officer - West Campus
(807) 766-7314

Communications Unit
Northern Ontario School of Medicine

West Campus
Lakehead University
955 Oliver Rd.
Thunder Bay ON  P7B 5E1
Tel: 807-766-7300
Fax: 807-766-7370

East Campus
Laurentian University
935 Ramsey Lake Rd.
Sudbury ON  P3E 2C6
Tel: 705-675-4883
Fax: 705-675-4858