Review of INAC's Post-Secondary Education program underway

From the First Nations Education Steering Committee website in BC ... announcing the series of workshops being held by INAC across the country. FNESC has some good reference material listed below for everyone to use to prepare for the review of this program.

The Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and, with representatives from the National Association of Indigenous Institutes of Higher Learning (NAIIHL) and the Inuit of Labrador, have begun a formal review of the Post-Secondary Education (PSE) Program for First Nation and Inuit students. This is the first major joint review of the PSE program. This review will look at the two components of the PSE program – student support (Post-secondary Student Support Program, or PSSSP including University and College Entrance Program (UCEP)) and institutional support (Indian Studies Support Program, or ISSP).

This review is an opportunity for the INAC, AFN, NAIIHL and the Inuit of Labrador to take a fresh look at the program and identify ways the PSE program can be improved and enhanced so that it better meets the current and future needs of First Nation and Inuit students and First Nation post-secondary education institutions. The overall objective of the review is to ultimately increase student participation and success in post-secondary education.

As a first step in seeking community-level input, a second consultation meeting, following up on the April meeting, will be held September 22, 2005 in Richmond, BC and consultation will continue at the 2005 FNESC Regional Sessions. First Nation PSE managers, leaders and representatives of First Nation post-secondary institutions will be invited to participate. This will ensure the Joint Working Group is informed by First Nation communities, students and institutions.

We encourage you to contact your local PSE manager and leaders to ensure that your views inform the national PSE program review. The information gathered at the September 22, 2005 National PSE Review Consultation meeting and the FNESC Regional Sessions will form BC region’s input to this important National PSE Review and will shape the future delivery of the PSE program for First Nations students and post-secondary institutes.

For First Nations Post Secondary Managers/Coordinators, FNESC has drafted a Workbook (PDF)which can be completed prior to attending the meeting on September 22nd. To assist in your community consultation process, FNESC has also provided a PowerPoint presentation.