NAN Youth Council Fall 2005 meeting and peace march in Thunder Bay

from the NAN Decade for Youth web site at ....

Youth Council Fall Meeting 05

The NAN Decade Youth Council and Trust Fund board (one in the same) is planning their fall meeting in Thunder Bay for September 17 & 18. You can learn more about the Decade Youth Council here!

They are also co-sponsoring a Youth Peace March in Thunder Bay on Friday, September 16th. The "Youth for Peace, Let's Stop Violence Now!" peach march will take place at 2pm on Friday, September 16th. Leaving the Lakehead Labour Centre at 2pm to Thunder Bay City Hall for a rally at 3pm. Youth BBQ and agency display at Metis Community Centre at 4pm. Youth Dance at Labour Centre, 8pm to midnight. All youth are invited to join.

The Regional Multicultural Youth Council in cooperation with the Decade Youth Council are planning this event to raise awarness about youth violence and substance abuse. It is part of the Northern students orientation activities. Download the very cool poster in PDF here

The BIG NEWS for this year is that the NAN Charitable Youth Trust Fund received their charitable status number in April. So, the Trust Fund is now a registered charity and board members have begun fundraising.