OFNTSC 10th anniversary technical conference and trade show in Thunder Bay

At the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation conference taking place this week, Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Public Works Manager, Peter Campbell presented "Progress in Infrastructure 1995-2005: One First Nation's Experience" highlighting the work and changes that have occured over the years in Keewaytinook Okimakanak member First Nations (click here to view Peter's presentation). Denis Nault from the Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence also did a presentation about the Water Plant Operators' Training Program.

Click here to visit the conference web site to see all the different presentations and many of the powerpoint shows with the information about the topic. Some of the topics include:

From their conference web site ...

10th Annual Technical Conference and Trade Show
August 15 - 18, 2005
Valhalla Inn
, Thunder Bay, ON

Since 1995, when the Ontario Chiefs-in-Assembly provided our mandate, OFNTSC will celebrate over a decade of providing technical advisory services to all First Nations in Ontario. Our theme, “Much to be proud of - Much to be done,” embodies the essence of our successes over a ten-year period and sets the backdrop as we continue to strive for excellence in delivering technical advisory services and promoting self sufficiency to the 134 First Nation communities in Ontario.

Held in conjunction with the Aboriginal Water & Waste Water Association of Ontario (AWWAO) and Ontario Native Fire Fighters Society (ONFFS), we anticipate over 400 delegates the largest First Nation Technical gathering of its kind anywhere in Canada. This year's conference is unfolding into what promises to be a stimulating and exciting three day program that includes information packed workshops, an innovative trade show and an exhilarating fund raising golf tournament. In order to honor the past, celebrate the present and realize our future as a highlight to this conference we would like to invite you to a Gala dinner. This evening will be filled with fine dining, friends and entertainment, so please join us as we celebrate 10 years of successes!