NNEC Boarding Homes needed for Thunder Bay high school students


The NORTHERN NISHNAWBE EDUCATION COUNCIL needs understanding and responsible "parents" to board Native students attending school in the Thunder Bay District from September 2005 to June 2006.

Our students come from small communities, most north of Sioux Lookout. To complete their High School education, these students must leave their homes, families and friends, and move to a strange town and live with strangers. These students need caring boarding home parents, sensitive to differences in cultural backgrounds. We provide a competitive boarding home allowance, and an excellent support and on-call system.

If you are interested in becoming a boarding home parent, or wish to have further information, please contact one of the following persons:

Elaine Keesick: 628-8413 Crystal Pento: 628-9122

Toll Free: 1-866-530-8590 Fax: 475-9723

You can visit us online: www.nnec.on.ca 

Click on link to Secondary Student Support Program