INAC's review of Facilities and Maintenance (CFM) Program - Information Session

The Institute on Governance produced a Summary Report about the Regional Information Sharing sessions that were organized by INAC as part of their program review process. The report along with all the material distributed at the meetings is available on-line at the Chiefs of Ontario web site (click here to view the list of material).

From the report (Word document) ...

As part of its approval of the Long Term Capital Plan of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), the Treasury Board of Canada asked the department to undertake a comprehensive review of the Capital Facilities and Maintenance (CFM) Program. Such a review would also be an important element in the department’s seeking new authorities from the Board for this program.  ...

This report is the ‘National Summary’ mentioned above. Its purpose is to present the principal highlights of the regional workshops that departmental officials organized in March and April of 2005 as part of Phase II. These workshops, which were held in every region in Canada, had two main purposes. The first was to share the results of the Phase One analysis with First Nation experts; and the second, to develop some options for achieving better, more sustainable outcomes for further discussions with First Nation leaders.

From the conclusion ...

.... many participants expressed scepticism - in their evaluation forms as well as verbally at the end of the sessions - that anything positive would result from the workshops."