Call for proposals from the Canadian Culture Online Program

Heritage Canada's Canadian Culture Online Program has posted a new call for proposals under their Gateway Program.  They are requesting that applicants forward this information to other groups to help ensure that this information is distributed as widely as possible to interested parties.

The Gateway Fund is a component of the Department of Canadian Heritage's Canadian Culture Online strategy (CCO), a framework to stimulate the development and production of Canadian cultural content on the Internet. Canadian Culture Online is pleased to announce a call for proposals under this fund that specifically targets the development of online access points that aggregate Canadian cultural content for educational purposes in the kindergarten to grade twelve (K-12) teaching environment, or the maternelle to secondaire teaching environment in Quebec.

 Projects funded under this call will develop online access points focussing on curriculum related themes that are relevant to K-12 studies, and maternelle to secondaire studies in Quebec, of a social and cultural nature, with advanced features that allow teachers to quickly search educational cultural content from multiple sources in a seamless manner, then easily identify and use the content that is relevant to their curricula.

The focus of this call is on the design and creation of these access points, and the coordination of parties that hold recently developed online educational cultural content. As such, the costs associated with the digitisation or development of cultural content will not be funded under this call.

Eligible applicants include Canadian not-for-profit and public sector (excluding federal organisations and crown corporations) organisations that are active in culture, education or other fields relevant to this call.

The application process for this fund has two stages: an Expression of Interest stage, and a Full Application stage.  The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest is Tuesday, October 11, 2005.  A Full Application may only be submitted upon the request of Canadian Culture Online after review of all Expressions of Interest.

Full details can be found in the guidelines document at
If, after reading the guidelines document, you have any questions about the fund or the application process, we encourage you to contact us at:

toll free:  1-866-900-0001
TTY/TDD     1-819-997-3123

Canadian Culture Online Program