Sioux Lookout District Chiefs proceed with lawsuit against gov't and Chiefs of Ontario office

Chiefs press funding lawsuit

By Staff - The Chronicle-Journal

August 13, 2005

Sioux Lookout-area chiefs will move ahead on a day-care funding suit against the Chiefs of Ontario and the federal government.

The chiefs’ “political group” had put the civil court action on hold for 30 days to allow newly elected Ontario Regional Chief Angus Toulouse time to put together a new funding package for remote First Nation day-care centres.

However, officials said Toulouse’s report to the Sioux Lookout Area Aboriginal Management Board’s (SLAAMB) annual meeting in Sioux Lookout this week “did not adequately address the (chiefs’) concerns and issues.”

Sachigo Lake First Nation Chief Alvin Beardy said in a news release that “our infrastructure does not meet the demands of our people or communities.”

“Our First Nations are severely under funded in all areas,” he said.

Big Trout Lake First Nation Chief Donny Morris explained earlier that “the decision to cut the SLAAMB funding from $538,928 to $300,006 came with no consultation, and after assurances from representatives of Human Resources Canada and the Chiefs of Ontario that its funding for the 2004-05 fiscal year would remain the same as the previous year.”

In a lawsuit filed in December, SLAAMB is seeking $250,000 in operating money and up to $23 million in capital funding for additional day-care facilities from Human Resources and the Chiefs of Ontario.

The day-care funding issue arose during negotiations between Sioux Lookout-area First Nations and Ottawa over financial support for employment and training services in 25 communities in Northwestern Ontario. While an agreement was reached in April, the chiefs said more talks were needed “to clear up a few outstanding issues.”

They include funding to meet program and service costs in remote communities; child care facilities; and the ongoing development of a government-to-government working relationship.