Deer Lake paddlers travel traditional route between North Spirit to Deer Lake

It was a five day trek through trails that have not been used for more than many years.  11 Deer Lake youth and 2 local instructors / guides completed the trip. The youth were 14 to 18 years of age. Five lakes, two rivers and 15 portages were traveled to complete the trip.

The trip took five days and four nights.

We left North Spirit around four on Saturday July 9 in the afternoon,  making our way up the river and along Margot Lake. One portage took us 3 hours to cross with our six canoes along with gear for 13 people, food, tents, etc.

We had good fishing on Loree Lake.

The youth learned to respect the land, one another and themselves throughout the trip. Everyone also learned the importance of teamwork. Other experiences helps to show how to overcome obstacles, along with sessions where we discussed Life and Social skills and respecting rules.  

This trip taught them that life is one big Canoe Trip with long and short Portages some maybe hard, some may be easy. As in everyone's life, as we each deal with our problems and concerns, if we keep pursuing our goal to better ourselves we will find a good way to cross each portage and break trail for other youth in the future.

We arrived in Deer Lake at 3:00 pm Wednesday July13 to a big welcome home. Everyone could see looks of accomplishment on the faces of the youth. I think some of them cried but everyone was happy they had made it!

Guides/Instructors on this trip were Donald Meekis and Andy Marshall Meekis   

The youth included Anthony Meekis, Leroy Kake, Renee Turtle, Ashlee Meekis, Joan Meekis, Darren Rae, Lauren Sawanas, Mike Meekis, Julie Mama, Amanda Meekis, Landon Sawanas.
