Missanabie Cree Chief canoe trip follows the original route of treaty 9 party

canoe_arrival_treaty9.jpgMissanabie Cree First Nation Chief Glenn Nolan is retracing the canoe route of British Commissioners during the original signing of James Bay Treaty 9 in 1905 and 1906. In this picture, Chief Glenn Nolan of Missanabie Cree First Nation and his group of paddlers reached the shore of Old Post Resort and Village during the James Bay Treaty No. 9 Centennial Commemoration July 12, 2005.

To learn more about the historical canoe route and about the content of Treaty 9, check out the "Virtual Journey: Signing of Treaty Nine" web site and the map of the sites visited in 1905 and 1906 by the commissioner. This site contains the content of the treaty along with the notes and pictures made by the commissioner at each stop.