K-Net partners make sure broadband connections working for NAN commemoration

Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation has their broadband radio equipment in place and ready for the Nishnawbe Aski Nation 100 year commemoration of the treaty signing. A team from Superior Wireless lead by John Lyon worked all day on Saturday along with Dan Pellerin to make sure the wireless connection was properly installed and ready to carry a live two way video conference from the school site. The live session will be broadcast on Tuesday afternoon. The morning session will be taped and broadcast that same afternoon.

A team from Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Shibogama First Nations Council  and the Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre are leaving on Monday to set up the video and internet connections at the site. The taping and broadcasts will be done at the site on Tuesday throughout the day. Team members include Jeannie Carpenter, Cal Kenny, Jamie Ray, Jesse Fiddler, Derek Kenny and Sol Mamakwa.