Toronto Star on-line forum begins on native education

As a result of our June 21 roundtable (click here to Knews story about this meeting), The Star is launching a public on-line discussion of aboriginal education. I'll be writing a story about it in the next few days, but you all get a sneak peak. It's up and running, and I'd encourage anyone who is interested to post a comment. There is a section for thoughts on the broader issue, and another for requests for specific items and services - and offers of the same, under "help wanted/help offered." Here's the link. 

We also have launched a native education page with articles dealing with the issue. This link also provides a link to the Fort Severn story shared with the group on June 21 by grade 8 student Florence Thomas (click here to read her story).

If you have copies of remarks you made that day, feel free to post them on the forum, or, if they're really long, email them to me and we can post them on the web page. Feel free to suggest a link for the native education page. 

We're also talking with Ryerson University about the best way to privately continue the discussion that began at our roundtable. We'll keep you posted on that in the days to come.

Louise Brown
Education Reporter
Toronto Star