K-Net presentation about ICTs in health services made at United Nations forum

Dan Pellerin, K-Net's Network Manager and Jeannie Carpenter, K-Net's Operations Manager met with officials from the United Nations via video conference on June 9. They shared a presentation about how KO is using ICTs in the support of health services in remote First Nations during an afternoon forum  that was being held at the United Nations. The title of session hosted by "Promoting An Enabling Environment: Music, Technology, Culture and Healthcare".

From the United Nations Webcast portal (at http://www.un.org/webcast/2005.html)

International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC) in collaboration with the United Nations ICT-Task Force, Programme on Ageing, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA); the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University Medical Center, Global Music Healing Institute ; NGOs and the private sector.
[Webcast: Archived Video - Part 1: 2 hours 17 minutes]
[Webcast: Archived Video - Part 2: 1 hour 56 minutes]
[Link to Programme]

The session was organized by Professor Dianne Davis, Founding President of the International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC). This unique interrelated event is part of a series organized by the International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC) in collaboration with the United Nations ICT-Task Force, Programme on Ageing, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA); the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University Medical Center, Global Music Healing Institute; NGOs and the private sector. The Conference will address applications related to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals in terms of creating partnerships and improving health of citizens worldwide.
Music and its effects on the individual have been recognized and practiced for centuries. But what is new is that now, for the first time, we can now prove through technology what happens plus enhance lives more rapidly using ICT as an enabling tool.

Conference addresses: 

  • ICT as an enabling tool for rural and urban delivery of health care services
  • Emerging technologies in music and medicine
  • Power of music in creating a dialogue among children 
  • New understanding of the impact of musical rhythms and its utilization as a  “Medical Tool”

International Council For Caring Communities (ICCC)
24 Central Park South, New York, NY 10019, USA
Tel: 212 688-4321  fax: 212  759-5893  
E-mail: icccworld@earthlink.net   