Visits and contacts with First Nation schools in Anishinabek Nation

Brian Beaton, K-Net Coordinator for Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet visited three First Nation schools in the Union of Ontario Indians territory on June 6 and 7. The schools in Nipissing, Dokis and Wasauksing First Nations were visited on this trip. A short meeting with the Union's Education Director also provided some important insights into the efforts of this region to address the educational needs of the students. Click here to view the pictures from these visits.

As part of the First Nations SchoolNet program, Keewaytinook Okimakanak is the Ontario Regional Management Organization (RMO) supporting First Nation schools across Ontario in the use of ICTs. In completing this work, visits to different regions and schools is assisting the RMO team to determine needs and priorities with the First Nation schools across Ontario. Each school across the province is completing surveys highlighting their existing resources and developments along with their ICT requirements and priorities for the 2005-2006 school year.