Turning the Corner video shown to more than 40 government officials in Ottawa

On Friday, June 3 George Ferreira, Carl Seibel and Brian Beaton travelled to Ottawa to meet with representatives from different federal government departments and First Nation organizations to showcase the new video production, "Turning the Corner - Effective use of broadband in Canada's North". Representatives from the Assembly of First Nations, the Aboriginal Peoples Congress along with officials from Industry Canada (FedNor, Aboriginal Business Canada, First Nations SchoolNet, Computers for Schools, National Satellite Initiative, BRAND, etc), Heritage Canada, Human Resources Skills Development, Health Canada, Indian and Northern Affairs, Privy Council and Treasury Board gathered in Ottawa. Connected to the session via video conference were Regional Management Organization offices in La Ronge Saskatchewan, Sydney Nova Scotia and Thunder Bay and Balmertown in Ontario. Over forty people participated in the two sessions that were offered throughout the morning. FedNor's Minister of State Joe Comuzzi dropped by to meet everyone and endorse the work that Keewaytinook Okimakanak and his team are doing in northwestern Ontario.

Everyone view the video and discussed the use of broadband to affect the necessary changes required in programs and policy that are affecting and influencing the present situations and issues affecting remote and rural communities across Canada.

All the video material produced by Keewaytinook Okimakanak is available on-line for everyone's access. We can send over additional DVD copies of the various material that is posted on-line (much better quality) if we have your mailing address. The following list of on-line material might be of interest to everyone ...

  1. DVD - video production “Turning the Corner – Using Broadband Effectively in Canada’s North”. The content of the DVD is available on-line at (May 2005) …http://streaming.knet.ca/turning_the_corner_high.wmv
  2. Turning the Corner with First Nations Telehealth position paper - May, 2005 http://knet.ca/documents/KOTelehealth-Position-Paper-May2005.pdf
  3. E-Community Concept paper (April 2005) - http://knet.ca/documents/EComm-concept-final.pdf
  4. Community Aggregation Model (April 2005) - http://knet.ca/documents/community-aggregation.pdf
  5. Report of Keewaytinook Okimakanak C-Band Public Benefit Initiative (March 2005) - http://research.knet.ca/images/upload/05-03-29-Summative-Overview-C-Band-Public-Benefit-KNet1[1].pdf
  6. KIHS information video http://streaming.knet.ca/KiHS/KiHS_300k.wmv
  7. Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth (KOTH) information video http://streaming.knet.ca/telehealth/TH-Evaluation_300k.wmv
  8. DVD video entitled "The K-Net Story ... Weaving the Networked Economy in Kuhkenah First Nation Communities" … (Dec 2004)
  9. The Case Studies produced for the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) entitled “Harnessing ICTs: A Canadian First Nations’ Experience” (December 2003) – http://smart.knet.ca/kuhkenah_flash.html (contains videos for each case study listed below)– contains the PDF files along with video footage for five case studies including:
    * Executive Summary – http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/summary.pdf
    * Introduction to K-Net – http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/introduction.pdf
    * K-Net Network Development - http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/network.pdf
    * K-Net Case Study on Economic Development - http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/economic.pdf
    * K-Net Case Study on Health - http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/health.pdf
    * K-Net Case Study on Education - http://smart.knet.ca/flash/eng/pdf/education.pdf
  10. If you go to the K-Net news archives at http://knews.knet.ca and do a SEARCH (on the left hand column) for the word video ... you will get a list of the various video products that have been produced for distribution.