KO First Nations getting IP telephone systems installed

K-Net technicians are now travelling to the KO First Nations to install new IP telephone management systems. The new phone system will be operated out of the community e-centre and help support the ongoing operation of the local community network. This Keewaytinook Okimakanak project is funded by FedNor as a local economic development initiative.

This week Jamie Ray travelled to North Spirit Lake and John Moreau travelled to Fort Severn to install these new systems and provide training for the local Network Technician in the operation and maintenance of these systems.

Dan Pellerin, K-Net's Network Manager drafted a system description about this IP telephone project. The VOIP network description inculdes information how in this broadband application works in each participating First Nation and has some of the lessons learned from our experience with the development of this on-line service.

The development of the open source Asterick servers for local community management and development of their own IP telephone service is a great unforeseen spin off from this project. The community solution as well as the program applications for the Keewaytinook Internet High School classrooms along with IP phones being located in the local community Telehealth offices is providing a good expansion of the service into the other neighbouring First Nations.

Click here to read K-Net Network Manager's description of the KO VOIP system.