NICSN team requests additional satellite space & equipment from Industry Canada

Keewaytinook Okimakanak is partnering with the Kativik Regional Government (Nunavik region in northern Quebec) and the Keewatin Tribal Council (northern Manitoba) in the development and operation of the Northern Indigenous Community Satellite Network.

This past week, the team presented a Notification of Interest to Industry Canada's National Satellite Initiative Round 2 for additional satellite bandwidth to accommodate the variety of broadband applications that are now being carried on the network. All forty remote, Indigenous communities partnering with NICSN fit the NSI round 2 objective of requiring "broadband access where satellite is the only practical solution".

Applications that include video conferencing such as the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telehealth project, the Internet High School, the telehealth needs in both northern Quebec and Manitoba demand additional bandwidth to deliver the type of service that terrestrially connected communities are able to access.