Homelessness report in Sioux Lookout Call for Action released by CRRF

The report "A Sociological Analysis of Aboriginal Homelessness in Sioux Lookout, Ontario" by
Debra Sider M.A. of the Sioux Lookout Anti-racism Committee (SLARC) presents information about the challenges facing Aboriginal people who come to this community in northwestern Ontario. Click here to read the entire report is available on the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) web site 

The various section of the report highlights the challenges and includes a Call to Action for the community and the government to address these issues. Some of the recommendations include:

  • support for Sioux Lookout's new Transitional Support Program
  • A Call for a Land-Based Healing Program
  • A Call for Detox and treatment services in Sioux Lookout
  • The Sioux Lookout District Must Work Together to Address the Issues
  • Correcting Distortions of History- More Opportunities for the Municipality and northern First Nations to Work Together
  • A Need for Affordable, Supportive, Transitional Housing, and Innovative Development in Sioux Lookout
  • Policy implications under the headings ...
    • Rethinking Ontario Works
    • Merge Traditional and Wage Economies
    • On-Reserve Housing
    • Aggressive Drug and Alcohol Awareness Campaigns