KO and CRACIN team up at UNESCO's "Paving the Road to Tunis - WSIS II"

This weekend, several Keewaytinook Okimakanak and CRACIN members are planning to attend Canadian Commission for UNESCO's conference:
"Paving the Road to Tunis - WSIS II: Canada's Civil Society Views on the Geneva Plan of Action and the Prospects for Phase II."

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak team is made up of Keewaywin's Chief Raymond Mason, Brian Beaton and Dan Pellerin from K-Net. Among the CRACINites heading to Winnipeg are Andrew Clement, Michael Gurstein, Christie Hurrell, Rob Mastin, Marita Moll, Leslie Shade, Randall Terada and someone from Communautique. 

For those attending, Keewaytinook Okimakanak has a table in the Exhibition area, as does CRACIN.  Drop by to say hello.

For those not attending, you may want to catch the webcasts of  the conference dinner keynote speech by Ann Medina on Friday, as well as the conference plenaries on Saturday and Sunday. This is made possible using the Macromedia Breeze application courtesy of K-Net with CRACIN's Christie Hurrell as the webcaster. The live text chat built into Breeze will
allow for some interaction with the event.

To access the webcast sessions see instructions below or visit the CRACIN home page http://www.cracin.ca and follow the links under the "News" column on the right-hand side of the page.

*Webcasting Schedule for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO's "Paving the Road to Tunis" conference.*

To access the meeting rooms for each event:

  1. Go to the "meeting room" (webcasting site) at the URL listed on the webcasting schedule below (each event has its own URL)
  2. Login at the "enter as a guest" field. Please use your full name as your login.
  3. Be patient! Your machine may take a moment to load the breeze plugin and the breeze presenter plugin.
  4. To logout, simply close your browser window.

Breeze Live Troubleshooting FAQ

The Road to Tunis Conference Programme

Breeze Webcasting Schedule

*Event for Friday May 13* - Conference Dinner Keynote Speech Summary

Has Canada become a genuine knowledge society? Ethical and social aspects of a knowledge society.
Keynote Speaker Ann Medina, Host of History Television's History on Film and Former Foreign Correspondent CBC's The Journal
URL http://breeze.knet.ca/r70855106/
When 6:30 - 9:30 p.m., Central Time

*Events for Saturday May 14*

*Plenary 1* - Summary Remarks by the President, Canadian Commission for UNESCO Max Wyman
URL http://breeze.knet.ca/r49742995/
When 9 - 9:15 a.m., Central Time

*Plenary 2* - Summary Reports of the Rapporteurs, followed by questions and discussion
Chair Max Wyman
URL http://breeze.knet.ca/r21059126/
When 11:45 a.m.- 12:30 p.m., Central Time

*Plenary 3* - Summary Reports of the Rapporteurs, followed by questions and discussion
Chair Max Wyman
URL http://breeze.knet.ca/r28919912/
When 3:45 - 5:30 p.m., Central Time

*Events for Sunday May 15*

*Plenary 4* - Summary Programme
Chair Max Wyman
URL http://breeze.knet.ca/r80906111/
When 8:45 - 9 a.m., Central Time

*Plenary 5* - Summary 
Reports of the Rapporteurs, followed by questions and discussion

  • Presentation and Adoption of the Civil Society's Communiqué
  • Adjournment
  • Chair Max Wyman
    URL http://breeze.knet.ca/r90227043/
    When 10:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m., Central Time