100 million hits in one month milestone reached on myknet.org server!!

Individual homepages for people living in Canada's north are becoming the communication medium of choice for many. Being able to share their own stories, pictures, news as well as participating in friends and family members' chat boxes is now an important and popular past-times for the nearly 16,000 members of the myknet.org on-line environment.

These facts are clearly demonstrated by the increasing popularity of the myknet.org on-line environment since its early beginnings over six years ago. In 1999, Dan Pellerin thought users would be interested in having their own web page, so he found an on-line script and made it available to K-Net users. Very quickly over 300 users signed up and began creating their own web pages. From there, Jesse Fiddler worked with Dan to expand the options available for users and created the present myknet.org on-line environment.

Over the past month of April, the myknet.org traffic increased once again to 101,701,089 hits from 1,204,790 visits to that server! Daily averages increased to over 40,000 visits each day resulting in nearly 3.4 hits a day!

One observer noted that on Saturday afternoon between 5 and 6 in the evening there were about 900 updates to individual pages over that 1 hour period. This fact also indicates that the number of computers in the homes is increasing dramatically as broadband services are introduced in the communities.