New BEd program being developed by Sioux Lookout District First Nations

A new five year Bachelor of Education is being developed for those people who want to become teachers working with First Nation students. The official signing of the partnership agreement to develop this new program took place this past March (click here to view the pictures of the negotiations and the signing).

The Sioux Lookout District Native Teacher Education Program (NTEP) management committee has been working on developing a culturally sensitive teaching program for the past few years. This committee consists of representatives from Shibogama, Windigo, IFNA, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Sandy Lake and the Northern Nishnawbe Education Council. The Sioux Lookout district chiefs' approved the development and design of this new teacher degree program, in assembly.

Members of the consortium include Brock, Nippissing, and Lakehead universities which have signed an agreement-in-principle with Northern Nishnawbe Education Council to work together to create this new bachelor of education program. Click here to read the April 7 Wawatay story about this event.