First Nations SchoolNet program midterm evaluation includes KO/K-Net case study

A three day site visit from Jeff Anderson of R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. (Edmonton office) was part of the formative, mid-term evaluation work he is doing for the final report for Industry Canada. His visit that addresses the case study portion of the report, included:

  • interviewing the Regional Management Organization (RMO) program and contracted team members;
  • learning about the Keewaytinook Okimakanak organization and their Kuhkenah Network (K-Net) initiative, as it relates to Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program;
  • visiting Pelican Falls First Nations High School to learn about the impacts of the program and the use of ICTs within that environment;
  • touring the Kuhkenah Network facilities and learning about its history and future development;
  • meeting with First Nations SchoolNet / RMO supported e-learning program leaders (KiHS and the Grade 8 Supplementary programs);
  • meeting with Carl Seibel, Industry Canada / FedNor program monitor for the Ontario region.

Carl's visit during these meetings also provided everyone with a stronger understanding about the important role that FedNor is performing in supporting the development of the broadband capacity and resources across Northern Ontario.