Connecting Aboriginal Faculty and Graduate Students in North America

Aboriginal Scholars - Listserve - Careers for Aboriginal Scholars

Connecting Aboriginal Faculty and Graduate Students in North America

Careers for Aboriginal Scholars is a new North American list serv focusing on Aboriginal scholars within North America. Its purpose is two-fold:

  1. To recruit Aboriginal scholars for faculty positions and also;
  2. To recruit Aboriginal students into graduate programs.

Careers for Aboriginal Scholars supports these objectives through the dissemination of employment opportunities directly to Aboriginal faculty candidates who are currently teaching or studying within an academic setting; esp. those who have acquired their PhD or are in the process of completing it. In addition, Careers for Aboriginal Scholars encourages the development of future Aboriginal academics through the dissemination of information on graduate programs at various universities across both Canada and the US.

The list was created and is maintained by Cathy Wheaton, Manager of Employment Equity at the University of Regina. There is no cost to join the list. Any university faculty member, Aboriginal scholar, graduate student or prospective graduate students may add their names to the list. It is not a discussion group but an information sharing network where universities may list faculty position postings or graduate student recruitment announcements. 

The list was originally compiled with a base set of e-mail contacts consisting of a cross-section of Aboriginal faculty and also departments where Aboriginal graduate students are studying. Department heads and graduate program coordinators from a number of institutions including the University of Regina, University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College have also been added. There are now 170 names on the list. Outside of Saskatchewan list members have also been added from a wide range of faculties in institutions such as:

  • University of Alberta
  • University of Lethbridge
  • University of Victoria
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Ottawa
  • University of Manitoba
  • University of Brandon
  • Lakehead University
  • University of Northern British Columbia
  • Trent University
  • Concordia University
  • Laurentian University
  • New York University
  • Harvard University
  • University of South Carolina
  • Cornell University

Faculties are encouraged to use the list when recruiting both Aboriginal faculty and Aboriginal graduate students. As the list is cost-free and timely we are not restricted in its usage.

Careers for Aboriginal Scholars E-mail list 


  • To assist Aboriginal scholars pursing a career in academics
  • To encourage emerging Aboriginal scholars to pursue study at the graduate level towards a career in academics


  • Aboriginal Scholars seeking faculty positions 
  • Aboriginal graduate students/Emerging Aboriginal scholars seeking graduate program information
  • Departments recruiting Aboriginal faculty
  • Departments recruiting Aboriginal graduate students


  • This list will encourage the distribution of faculty opportunities in all disciplines of interest to Aboriginal scholars.
  • Institutions recruiting Aboriginal students for graduate programs in all disciplines.
  • Programs do not have to be Aboriginal focussed to be included. We have Aboriginal graduates looking for graduate programs in all disciplines.

List Instructions

To add a name:

  • For new members, simply send your e-mail addresses to:
  • Please include "Careers for Aboriginal Scholars" in the subject line so I know which list you would like to join, I maintain 2 lists. 

*You are encouraged to forward messages to others who may be interested in receiving messages, esp potential graduate students and/or to forward their e-mail addresses to be included on the list.

To delete a name

  • For members who wish to leave the list, send an e-mail to indicating they would like to deleted from the list.

To send a message

  • Send position postings, program information or questions to: 
  • Once the message has been reviewed, it will be posted if it meets the criteria for the list. 
  • Please do not send attached files, those who have additional information may leave contact info so interested individuals may request additional files. Receiving unsolicited file attachments slows down and clogs others mailboxes. 

*Note: The list is blind so no one else on the list can see your e-mail address. This ensures that unauthorized mailings do not take place.

Cathy Wheaton
Manager of Employment Equity
University of Regina
Phone: (306) 585-5627