Green Power, environmentally-friendly, run-of-the-river hydro power plant in BC

From Turtle Island Native Network ... Click here for the complete story

The Hupacasath First Nation on Vancouver Island is working with a number of partners to develop this environmentally friendly power plant. Read more from the various press releases and project background information ...

Nothing quite demonstrates sustainability like developing your own renewable energy resource. That's the path being taken by the Hupacasath First Nation. The small community in Port Alberni, BC, is developing a mini-hydroelectricity plant on China Creek that will produce 6.5 MW of 'green' electricity — enough to meet their own needs and sell the remaining to BC Hydro.

"What's really important for our community is finding diverse economic development projects that fit within our traditional values, such as sustainability," says Chief Judith Sayers.

The China Creek development is projected to offset greenhouse gas emissions by at least 10,000 tonnes each year. It's a small but important contribution to a bigger picture.

Contact: Judith Sayers, Chief Councillor , Hupacasath First Nation
Primary Phone: 250-720-9328

Hupacasath First Nation . . .


PORT ALBERNI, BRITISH COLUMBIA (April 1, 2005) - The Government of Canada today announced $2 million in federal funding to assist the Hupacasath and Ucluelet First Nations and their partners construct and run an environmentally-friendly, 6.5 Megawatt run-of-the-river hydro power facility at China Creek. The announcement was made on site during a groundbreaking ceremony for the facility’s powerhouse generator by the Honourable Stephen Owen, Minister of Western Economic Diversification and Minister of State (Sport), on behalf of the Honourable Andy Scott, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians.

The Hupacasath First Nation and its joint venture partners, which include the Ucluelet First Nation, the City of Port Alberni and Synex Energy, have formed the Upnit Power Corporation. Upnit has a 20-year contract to supply power to BC Hydro.

This green power initiative will enable the Hupacasath First Nation as well as the Ucluelet First Nation to generate annual revenues that can be reinvested back into their communities to support other economic ventures. Other economic benefits include training and employment opportunities. Regional benefits include creating a new reliable and steady power source that will help to ease the increasing heavy demand by Vancouver Island users on the hydro grid.

“The Government of Canada is committed to working with First Nations to support community economic development in British Columbia,” said Minister Scott. “The initiative shown by the Hupacasath First Nation is a testament to their commitment to build a strong economy for their members while creating opportunities that provide benefits for their neighbours and the region.”

“Once complete, this unique facility will assist in reinvigorating a region hard-hit by the softwood lumber dispute,” said Minister Owen. “Western Economic Diversification Canada’s involvement in this initiative is reflective of the Government of Canada’s commitment to helping communities build long-term sustainability.”

“Having representatives from all levels of government here at the groundbreaking signifies the importance of progressive community development projects like China Creek that help Canada meet its Kyoto commitments in reducing greenhouse gases (GHG),” said Upnit Power Corporation president Chief Councillor Judith Sayers. “The project removes the equivalent of 8,000 cars off the road in reduction of GHG’s.”

An additional $925,000 in a repayable loan for this initiative was provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada through its Softwood Industry Community Economic Adjustment Initiative. The $110-million initiative is a national program designed to address the adjustment and transition needs of forest-dependent communities across Canada. In B.C., over 2,500 jobs have been created or maintained in more than 140 communities.

An additional $250,000 for planning and development was provided by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada through its Aboriginal and Northern Community Action Program. The program, which promotes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, is focused on engaging Aboriginal and northern communities to become partners in taking action to address climate change.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, through its economic development programs, is helping to foster strong First Nation communities and economies by facilitating partnerships with the private sector, reducing obstacles and increasing access to economic opportunities.

Western Economic Diversification Canada is the federal department mandated to support economic diversification in communities across Western Canada through activities that promote and assist Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Communities.

Project Background

PWGSC was instrumental in helping the Hupacasath First Nation set up an advisory group to identify renewable energy projects of economic, environmental and social benefits to Vancouver Island First Nations. It also found funding to assess the environmental impacts of the China Creek plan and helped the band council make contact with financers, such as a credit union, to pay for the $16 million project.

As a Pacific Region representative for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), PWGSC is taking a lead role in carrying out the mandate of the national Aboriginal and Northern Community Action Program (ANCAP) — working with First Nations communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop sustainable energy resources.

Many isolated BC First Nations communities want alternatives to costly and environmentally harmful energy sources such as diesel generators. PWGSC's role, for INAC, is to reduce the isolation and help generate solutions.

"We are working as a team with First Nations to create strategic linkages — to work with other partners that can help them develop solutions for alternative energy sources," says Biren Juttun, PWGSC's representative for INAC.

"These projects build capacity, skills and create jobs," says Mr. Juttun. "But this work is also very important because we are working with First Nations to help the Government of Canada fulfil its commitment to reduce greenhouse gases."

"We are really excited about creating sustainable electricity,” says Chief Sayers. "We want to be part of the solution."

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by teaming up with First Nations and other Government of Canada departments is another example of PWGSC reaching out to create partnerships for a better future.

For more information on the Pacific Region ANCAP strategy, please contact Biren Juttun at (604) 666-9747 or

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Synex International invests in China Creek Project

VANCOUVER, Dec. 16, 2004
Synex International Inc. announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, Synex Energy Resources Ltd. has invested $500,000 for a 12.5% share of the Upnit Power Limited Partnership (the "Limited Partnership") which includes a 12.5% share of the General Partner of the Limited Partnership. The other limited partners are the Hupacasath First Nation, the Ucluelet First Nation and the City of Port Alberni. The Hupacasath First Nation holds the majority of the shares of the Limited Partnership and the General Partner.

The Limited Partnership was formed to develop, own and operate the 6.5 MW China Creek Hydroelectric Project to be located near Port Alberni on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The China Creek project is currently under construction and is scheduled to be in commercial operation in the fall of 2005.

The electrical output is to be sold to BC Hydro under a 20 year electricity purchase agreement that was executed November 5, 2003. Sigma Engineering Ltd, an affiliated company to Synex Energy Resources Ltd., has been providing engineering services during the development of the project and anticipates providing engineering services during the construction and operation phases.

Synex International Inc. is a public company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange with businesses that cover the development, ownership and operation of electrical generation facilities and the provision of consulting engineering services in water resources, particularly hydroelectric facilities.
Greg Sunell, President
For further information: Greg Sunell, President, 400 - 1444 Alberni Street, Vancouver BC, V6G 2Z4, Phone (604) 688-8271 Ext. 309, Fax (604) 688-1286, E-mail:
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