Roger Valley, MP - Kenora Riding announces First Nation initiatives

From Keewaytinook Okimakanak's boardroom in Balmertown, Roger Valley announced several Federal government funded initiatives. The announcement was web cast and is available at

The Government of Canada, through Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, has provided a total of almost $11 million for four major projects being managed by northwestern Ontario First Nations:

  • $5.4 million for a new water treatment plant at Kasabonika Lake First Nation (construction is expected to begin in June 2005 and be complete in early 2006);
  • $4.1 million for a new water treatment plant at the Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation (construction began in October 2004, and the plant is expected to be operational by September 2005);
  • $1.3 million for a new wastewater treatment lagoon at Fort Severn First Nation, (operational since the Fall of 2004); and
  • $162,000 to the Nibinamik First Nation, to be used by Nibinamik working with Wunnumin Lake First Nation to negotiate an impact benefit agreement with De Beers Canada, a mining company interested in exploration in their traditional territories.

For more details read the complete news release at the INAC web site ... Northwestern Ontario First Nations Moving Forward on Capital and Economic Development Projects