KO to present at UNESCO's "Paving the Road to Tunis - WSIS II" conference

In preparation for the second United Nations' World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS II) that is happening in Tunis in November, 2005, the Canadian Commission for UNESCO is hosting a gathering in Winnipeg on May 13 - 15, 2005. The title of the conference is "Paving the Road to Tunis - WSIS II: The Views of Canada's Civil Society on the Geneva Plan of Action and the Prospects for Phase II". Click here for the draft agenda.

Two on-line resources with a wealth of information about WSIS and Civil Society are:

  1. World Summit on the Information Society: Civil Society http://www.wsis-cs.org
  2. World Summit on the Information Society - Heinrich Boll Foundation site at http://www.worldsummit2005.org/

From the UNESCO letter of invitation describing Keewaytinook Okimakanak's presentation, we will "focus on innovative services offered by community partners working with the Kuhkenah Network and how the network supports Aboriginal communities to develop.  It is our opportunity for the K-Net team and our organization to assess the accomplishments made at the regional and national levels and identify areas of improvement."

The full text of the K-Net presentation is now being plan so it can be delivered to UNESCO prior or at the time of the conference. This document will be included in the final report of the conference.  The report will be distributed at the 33rd UNESCO General Conference in Paris, France, in October 2005 and at the Summit in Tunis in November 2005.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak will be setting up a display at this gathering to showcase some of the work being done in partnership with the First Nations across the region and the country. We would like to invite all our First Nation partners (communities, organizations, schools, health centres, etc) to join with us to present their information and stories at this gathering by contributing to the presentation and/or providing information packages that you would like to see distributed at this gathering. Please send digital copies of your material to brian.beaton@knet.ca

Thank you for your interest and support in developing the Kuhkenah Network story that will be shared with the world!