KO team travels to Ottawa for CAC and international WSIS prep conferences

Lead by Keewaywin First Nation Chief Raymond Mason, Penny Carpenter (KO's Finance Manager and Acting Health Director), Darrin Potter (KIHS Principal), Donna Williams (KO Telehealth Regional Coordinator), Craig Hardy (KIHS teacher, Fort William First Nation) and Natasha Francis (Youth Worker, Akwesasne) travelled to Ottawa for the Connecting Aboriginal Canadians gathering (March 14, 15, 16) and the World Summit of the Information Society international preparatory workshop (March 17, 18). Carl Seibel, FedNor's Telecom Project Officer attended the WSIS workshop.

Meetings and presentations filled everyone's agenda during this week. Feedback from conference participants indicate that Keewaytinook Okimakanak's work in connecting remote and rural First Nations is being recognized by many people attending this event.