Delegates from Guatemala and Argentina meet K-Net team

Luis Barnola, ICA Program Officer for the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) organized a video conference meeting between K-Net team members (Dan and Brian), Guelph University partners with KO (Dr. Ricardo Ramirez and grad student Andres Ibanez) and two delegates from Guatemala and Argentina (Marleny Tzicap and Ignacio Francisco Prafil). Click here for more information about the guests from Central and South America.

Click here for some pictures from the meeting

The guests are in Ottawa as part of the Connectivity and Indigenous Peoples Conference. "Marleny Tzicap, a K'iche' Mayan from Momostenango, Guatemala, an expert in linguistics and in the use of ICTs for education, and Ignacio Francisco Prafil, a Mapuche from the Southern Region of the Province of Rio Negro in the Patagonia, Argentina, will speak at the "Promoting Cultural Diversity through ICTs" panel."